Spokane Dog Training Club does not offer formal tracking classes; instead, SDTC members mentor others in tracking and hold monthly meetings during the fall and winter.
SDTC holds AKC Tracking Tests the first weekend in May and the last weekend in October in the Spokane area: upcoming SDTC tracking tests.
The entire tracking group meets monthly from October to May at different SDTC homes. This is where the more experienced trackers help other trackers to progress in their training. Smaller groups of trackers then meet weekly and help each other.
There is no charge and one does not need to be a SDTC club member to belong to the Tracking Group; instead, everyone is expected to help each other during training and to help at the AKC Tracking Test.
To learn about Spokane trackers, contact us at:
For information on SDTC Tracking Tests, visit: SDTC Tracking Tests
Learn more about AKC tracking: