Spokane Dog Training Club is a non-profit corporation whose members possess a genuine interest in dog sports, in developing each dog's abilities, and in educating others about canine companionship. If you enjoy doing dog-oriented activities with other people who share your interest, then you might want to join Spokane Dog Training Club.
Your membership application must be submitted and approved at a General Meeting by the Membership. SDTC Members are expected to contribute work to the club; this work can take many forms, including helping with our trials or fun matches, participating in demonstrations, assisting with registration, teaching or assisting classes, etc.
Your instructors can help you with the application process. The requirements for membership, which need to be met within 18 months prior to applying, are as follows:
- Completion of 16 weeks of classes. As our class sessions are 8 weeks long, this means completing 2 class sessions within the 18 month period.
- Either of the following: A) Attendance at two club general meetings and participation in one service activity, OR B) Participation in two service activities within the 18 month period.
- Signed sponsor sheets from two sponsors who are SDTC members in good standing.
- Payment of the "initiation fee" and dues for the first year.
Past and current issues of the K-9 Tails are available to members only in the S.D.T.C. members area.