Frequently Asked Questions
- Registration information
- Class information
- Tracking information
- Scent work information
- Agility information
What shot records are required?
DAPP or DHPP for all dogs and rabies for dogs over 6 months of age as of registration night. YOU MUST PROVIDE YOUR SHOT RECORDS IN ORDER TO REGISTER.
What if my vet says to not give certain shots?
Bring a letter from your vet stating so.
Is there a discount for a second dog?
How do I choose which class to take?
Read through the class descriptions and check the class schedule. If you still have questions, please contact us.
How do I register?
Follow the instructions on our registration page.
Can my child participate in class?
Children must be at least 12 years old to handle a dog in class. However, the entire family, including children, are encouraged to participate in the puppy classes.
Can we come to a class and watch it prior to registering?
Of course, we are always happy to have visitors. However, we ask that you do not bring your dog with you unless it is entered in a class.
Does my dog need to be purebred in order to take classes?
Not at all. All dogs can benefit from our classes.
My dog is really wild and obnoxious. Can I still bring him to class?
Yes. Most people are sure that their dog will be the worst one in class, but most settle in and start learning right away. The only dogs that we cannot help are the ones that are aggressive towards other dogs or people. Let us know when you register if you think you have an aggressive dog and we will evaluate it on the first night of class.
Do you offer therapy or service dog classes?
We do not offer therapy or service dog classes but our Home Companion classes offer a good foundation for those dogs. Many nursing homes prefer that the dogs have a Canine Good Citizen Certificate which is offered through our Advance Home Companion class.
Can I come to class if my bitch is in heat?
We accept bitches in heat in all our classes, so long as they wear pants.
What method of training do you use?
We believe in positive reinforcement using treats (food), toys and praise during the teaching phase. We will then teach you how to wean the dog off food and still have a happy companion using your praise.
How many dogs are in class? How many instructors?
We try to limit the classes to under 15 dogs. There will be one instructor and at least one assistant for every class.
Can my family/friends come and watch?
Everyone is welcome, but please ask them to leave their dog at home unless it is entered in a class. Children are welcome but must be able to sit quietly while the dogs/students are working.
I am interested in tracking, how do I begin?
You do not have to be a club member in order to be part of the tracking group. If you live in the Spokane area, members of Spokane Dog Training Club are willing to help you get started. There is a link to the local tracking group on our tracking page. Or you can fill out the "Contact Us" form and someone will contact you.
What are some good books about tracking?
There are several good books including: Tracking Dog, Theory & Methods by Glen Johnson (out of print but sometimes located in libraires); Enthusiastic Tracking by William (Sil) Sanders; Tracking From The Ground Up by Sandy Ganz and Susan Boyd; Go Find by L. Wilson Davis.
What do I have to do in order to enter a tracking test?
Get a copy of the Tracking Regulations from the American Kennel Club and make sure that your dog is able to complete a track as described. You then need to have your dog certified by a tracking judge. You then send that certification, along with your entry form, to the secretary listed on the premium list.
How do I get a copy of the Tracking Regulations?
Download the rulebook from the AKC website.
How do I get my dog certified?
Go online to AKC website and search for tracking judges under "Events". Contact a judge in your area and ask them to certify your dog.
How do I find tracking tests and secretary contact information?
Go online to and search for tracking tests under "Events".
I am interested in scent work, how do I begin?
Before signing up for a scent work class, dogs must have completed the Advanced Home Companion Class and passed the AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test. The Spokane Dog Training Club offers scent work classes for several levels of experience.
How do I get a copy of the AKC scent work regulations?
Download the AKC Scent Work rulebook from the AKC website.
How do I find the location of scent work trials and secretary contact information?
To search on the AKC website, go to and under "Performance Events", click on "Scent Work" and choose the states and date range. Spokane Dog Training Club scent work trials will be listed on our Scent work trials page.
I am interested in agility, how do I begin?
The Spokane Dog Training Club offers agility classes for several levels of experience. Because these are group classes, it is essential that your dog be able to pay attention to you when off leash while in the presence of other dogs. Dogs that are aggressive towards people or other dogs, or that are not under the handler's control, are not ready to participate in group agility classes. Before signing up for an agility class, dogs must have completed the Advanced Home Companion Class and passed the AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test.
My dog has had some agility training: which agility class is appropriate?
SDTC's Agility Foundation class is the beginning level for dogs with no or minimal agility training; no jumping or contact obstacles are performed. Agility 1 is for dogs that have completed Foundation; it includes training on jumps and contact obstacles. Agility 2 is for dogs that are able to perform all of the obstacles correctly (not necessarily at full height) and are reliable off leash. Agility 3 is for dogs that are competent on all of the obstacles at their competition height, and whose handlers have a basic knowledge of handling techniques. Agility 4 is for dogs that have earned a Novice agility title. Agility 5 is for dogs that are competing at the Excellent/Elite/Masters level.
What do I have to do in order to enter an agility trial?
Get a copy of the Agility Regulations from the American Kennel Club (for AKC trials), or the appropriate regulations for the agility organization that interests you and make sure that your dog is able to perform the obstacles that are used in the classes of interest. In AKC, you will need your dog's AKC registration number, PAL number, or Canine Partners number when filling out the trial entry form. In other agility organizations, you need to register your dog with that organization to enter their trials. Registration information is available on these organizations' websites: NADAC,; USDAA,; UKC,; ASCA,
How do I get a copy of the AKC Agility Regulations?
You can download the rulebook from the AKC website.
Can my mixed breed dog compete in agility?
Yes. AKC clubs may choose to allow mixed breed dogs to compete in agility. Spokane Dog Training Club agility trials accept mixed breed dogs. Other organizations such as NADAC, USDAA, UKC, ASCA, and CPE agility trials are also open to mixed breed dogs as well as purebreds. In order to compete, go to and complete an application for a Canine Partners Listing.
How do I find agility trials and secretary contact information?
For AKC trials, go online to the AKC website and search for agility trials under "Events". Spokane Dog Training Club agility trials will be listed on our agility trials page. Other agility organizations also have event calendars on their websites.